In today's world, if you in business and want you to take it seriously, then you need a website.
Public is necessary in order to throw a site only a few pages of who you are and what you do and then hope for the best. Unfortunately, for each of her aunt, and did, tend to see your site and feel like other people, and the end result will be less than the stars in their performance.
Before you make your first page on the Internet, it is important to a well-planned Internet business strategy have. To get your chances, more attention and increasing business for your site, you need the important things before you even know 5 Start planning your first website.
Understanding and more on what you need to know before designing your first web page will start saving time and money in the long run.
Time from without, and some money in lost sales that you make when you put your site in order to maximize the return to repeat the first place. If you have not done these things, but never too late to start.
Public is necessary in order to throw a site only a few pages of who you are and what you do and then hope for the best. Unfortunately, for each of her aunt, and did, tend to see your site and feel like other people, and the end result will be less than the stars in their performance.
Before you make your first page on the Internet, it is important to a well-planned Internet business strategy have. To get your chances, more attention and increasing business for your site, you need the important things before you even know 5 Start planning your first website.
- Who is your target? This is not just a generic term such as "My target audience is people with money to spend," but that is really your target audience? What they do want to or not? Like, what words and phrases that they are "hot button"? What are their fears, and what problems do they have? What type of services they need on your side? If you are not the answer to these questions, then you can not really know that your goal is to target specific sites for them.
- What makes you different from others in your area? They are a unique individual and you have your own way to serve your customers. Why would someone do with you into the business, not your competitors? Remember, the people's experience with a product or a service. What is your customer experience with you so unique? Can you articulate? If not, you should be able to do so, because you need to add on your site.
- How do you want to find the people around you? This could be a 2-part question. If you want you can find on the Internet and through search engines, then you need to know use which search terms your target audience. Not what you think they are using with, but what they really. I can not say how often identify a list of keywords that your customers want to optimize their sites only at a later time I do, that their target audience did not even find the terms they have received optimized for their website. Of course, the concept may sound reasonable to you over the head, but that can target markets where they came from. Investment in research appropriate keywords that are paid for their own devices in the first year.
- What do you want people do after they get to your site? This is the largest and most important, that you want to have clarity about it. No matter how many visitors came to your site. If they fail to measures which they intend to come, then remove all your efforts. You need about what they want to take action, and when to be clear. Make it as easy as possible for them to take action and do not let them work for it, or you will lose them. You need the number of things that people can limit to your site if your site as a guide generator, or sell something. The more options you give them, the better the chance for them to do anything. It can not be flooded with choices, or they will only leave your site
- How do you want to lead people through your site? There are streams that you can by the people when they go to bring to your website. What flow? You want to understand and know what these flows, and what to do when people come to your site in the middle of the stream. As you walk through in this case? Once you have your flow, you will know how to create a site and if you do your navigation links and call to action.
Understanding and more on what you need to know before designing your first web page will start saving time and money in the long run.
Time from without, and some money in lost sales that you make when you put your site in order to maximize the return to repeat the first place. If you have not done these things, but never too late to start.
Tulis commentsyour blog is unique and nice keep it up
Replyim just doing default nor html :)
Replydisini juga udah rame sob.
Replyhehehe :D
mo koment nih.
tapi ga tau mo koment apa.
mudeng ak sob.
jadi sebagi pengganti koment,
Replyspam aja yah sob.
maap nih :D
udah dulu sob
takut dilempar bata nih.
wah telat baca ni, I kagak mikirin apa2 tuh sblum ngblog. jadinya lht sj my blog, acak-acakkan bro. trs gmana y???
Replysori telat dateng sob ..
Replysibuk skolah ...
hehehe ...
anjrit ...
klimaks nya udah diambil andi ...
kapan2 aq nggak mau ketinggalan ...
artikelnya sangat menarik kawan :)
ReplySiiiip banget. Aku suka artikel yg informatif..